Ultimate Sens Twitter Bracket Tournament: Finals

Sens Chirp’s Pageau tweet or Capital Gains’ Bryan Murray glasses. Which is the best tweet in Sens Twitter?

It’s finally here, folks. The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Well, maybe only a few of us...It’s the Sens Twitter Bracket finals!

The semi-finals featured two close matchups, but in the end one underdog and one high seed moved on. If you missed out on the original top 32 tweets, you can find them here in the round of 32. What we’re trying to do is let the readers pick the best tweet from Sens Twitter, and we’ve narrowed it down to two.

Here is the updated bracket:

Now let’s get to the final round:

Final matchup: “Pageauuuu” vs. “Murray glasses”

The semi-finals against “Take a shot for Stone” was the closest battle for “Pageauuuu,” but SensChirp’s best still made it all the way to the finals. Against him is the underdog Capital Gains who kept chugging along, beating higher seed after higher seed. Can he do it again? It’ll be tough, but both of these tweets are worthy champions. Who do you think deserves it more though?

Who wins?

Murray glasses208

Tell other Senators fans on Twitter to vote! It’ll be your last chance. The more votes we get, the better and more representative the final results will be.

Check back on this post on Sunday night or wait until Monday for a blog post for the results! Voting closes at 10pm EST Sunday. May the best tweet win!

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