Alfie Nuggets: Which is More Likely Series: Alfie Edition

In honour of the best player to ever play for the Ottawa Senators announcing he will return for one more glorious year, today's WIML will focus solely on The Captain, Daniel Alfredsson. Before we get to that, let us look at what went down in yesterday's poll.

I asked yesterday about two depth players, Jim O'Brien and Mark Borowiecki. In the end, even though some great arguments were made in favour of Borocop in the comment section, you decided it was more likely JOB scored 15+ points than it was that Boro would play 20+ games. The people have spoken, and this is the best answer we have ever received, from RogerTheShrubber:

I voted for JO'B

Because, as we established ages ago, number 42 is The Answer.

For some hockey analysis in an answer, new user Peter Raaymakers put it very well:

I think both are fairly likely

But in the end, I voted for O’Brien because the fourth-line centre spot is his to lose, whereas Borowiecki will have to earn his spot on the team. I still think Boro is the next guy up in the event of injuries which leads me to believe he’ll play 20 games or more, but JOB should play most if not all of the season on the fourth line. That should get him 15-20 points or more

Very well said!

As I said above, in celebration of this glorious day, today's question will be just about Daniel Alfredsson. Without further ado, here we go:

Which is more likely? That Daniel Alfredsson scores 25+ goals OR that he gets 35+ assists OR WHO CARES ALFIE IS BACK!

Goals: Last season Alfie had a goal scoring renaissance, potting 27 in his injury shortened season. Can he pound the puck to the back of the net like he has in the past for one more year?

Assists: With Guillaume Latendresse and Kyle Turris being likely linemates, is it more likely that Alfie plays the role of set-up man and grabs more than his 32 assists from a year ago, reaching the 35 assist level?

Who Cares: Our first ever three option poll gives us: Who cares? ALFIE IS BACK! Having him in the dressing room and on the ice and watching him play one more year is more important than what kind of numbers he can still put up.

There you have it, a slightly different flavour for our Nuggets today. Alfie Rises.


Sens News:

  • Really solid work from Peter who takes a look at Erik Condra and the effect he had on Senators d-men last season. It really paints a picture as to the kind of responsible forward Condra is. [SSS]
  • The official Panzeri story on the announcement with Melnyk and Murray quotes, as well as words from the man himself. [Panzeri]
  • Marc Methot is excited to play for his hometown club. I truly think he will be a solid contributor here this year, he's the type of player we need, and he's motivated with this fresh start. [Sun]
  • WTYKY says goodbye to Bobby the Kid. [WTYKY]

League News

  • Potential landing spots for Shane Doan. I'd hate to see him in the East, but it is looking that way. [NHL]
  • Revenue sharing, and what an issue it has been and will continue to be in labour talks. [PD]

Which is More Likely?

Alfie scores 25+ goals50
Alfie dishes out 35+ assists71
Alfie's worth isn't measured in points321

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