Ottawa Senators Connections

A new game to prove how well you know the Sens — or don't

Ottawa Senators Connections
Photo by Alexandra Lowenthal / Unsplash

The latest New York Times game to take over the world is Connections. The concept is fairly simple: you get a grid of 16 words, and you have to group them into sets of four, so that each set has a connection. It's simple, but it can also be infuriating.

Since we aim to be simple and infuriating here at Silver Seven, I decided to try my hand at making a Sens-themed Connections. Unfortunately, they're not embeddable right now, so you have to follow the link that you can find here. The inaugural puzzle looks like this:

There are no prizes for the first one, just the feeling of satisfaction of a job well done. Please no spoilers in the comments. Happy puzzling!

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