Silver Nuggets: Binghamton falls behind 2-1 in the Finals; Cowen's future; Winnipeg ticket revenue

The Binghamton Senators lost 2-1 last night to fall behind 2-1 in the Calder Cup Finals. The Baby Sens are now under .500 at home once again, winning only 4 out of 9 games. This is just incredible for a team in the finals. However, fear not, if Binghamton can pull out one of the next two games at home, they can steal back road ice advantage and finish off the series with away wins in game 6 and 7.

In the Stanley Cup Finals, the Vancouver Canucks beat the Boston Bruins thanks to a goal with just 19 seconds left in the game. Also, a thumb was bit!

Here are today's links:

General Sens News

  • Jared Cowen talks about the step up from the CHL to the AHL. Kurt Kleinendorst feels Cowen could use more time in the AHL next year though. He might not feel the same if he becomes the Ottawa coach though. (Ottawa Citizen)
  • Speaking of Kleinendorst, he would love to work in the NHL, but says for now he is totally focused on the job in Binghamton. (Ottawa Citizen)
  • Do we want Guy Carbonneau as the next coach? Anyone is better than Hitchcock I suppose! (The 6th Sens)
  • After a few inept offensive performances, Binghamton has changed up its lines. (Joy Lindsay)

More after the jump.

General Hockey News

  • In an embarassing move for the Calgary Flames, they were forced to trade highly regarded prospect Tim Erixon to the New York Rangers after they were unable to sign him before the June 1st deadline. He would have re-entered the draft had he not signed a contract. (TSN)
  • Colin Campbell will no longer be spinning the wheel of justice next season. (TSN)
  • If Winnipeg does sell out every game, they will have the fourth largest ticket revenue in the NHL despite only a 15,000 seat capacity, behind only Toronto, Montreal and Calgary. The top five potential tickets revenues are all based in Canada, and seven out of the top nine are in Canada. The Sens are 7th. Even if Atlanta sold out their much bigger building (which they wouldn't have), Atlanta would bring in $19 million less in ticket revenue every year. (Steve Lloyd)

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