PWHL Ottawa Roster Primer, Part 1: Forwards With the PWHL rosters now official, we introduce you to the forward group that will be representing Ottawa!
Ottawa Senators Team Stats: What to Believe? American Thanksgiving is tomorrow, which is an important landmark in the season---what are some important team stats to note so far?
The Rise (and Pitfalls) of Sports Gambling Everywhere, All the Time Looking at the law changes that brought us sports betting ads everywhere—and the near-certain downsides
Remembering Pierre Dorion's Most Iconic Moments in Ottawa Say what you will about Dorion as a General Manager, but you can't deny he was entertaining
Dorion's No-Trade Blunder: The Straw that Breaks the Camel's Back? This latest fiasco with Evgenii Dadonov has me wondering if it will give Michael Andlauer cause to fire Pierre Dorion as GM of the Senators
Silver Seven Newsletter: Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man, Here Stands Ridly Greig Ridly Greig has seized the opportunity in front of him, and the Sens are all the better for it