A Heartfelt Farewell

I'll miss you all!

A Heartfelt Farewell
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven / Unsplash

In 2017, the landscape of the Ottawa Senators organization changed forever.

After 15 years in Binghamton, New York, the Senators decided to move their AHL affiliate north to Belleville, Ontario. Having the team closer to home was a big priority for the club but I'm certain saying goodbye to the fans in Binghamton was tough.

In the same year, something inarguably more important, impactful and, frankly, seismic, rocked the Sens fan base from Smiths Falls to Gatineau.

I started writing for Silver Seven.

I remember the day very clearly. I was in a Shoppers Drug Mart on the east end of Toronto when I got the news that I was being asked to join to the team. I went from interacting with many of the writers on Twitter to becoming one of them. I felt a sense of honour that somebody out there thought my hot takes on the Sens were good enough that people would want to read about it on a blog. I quickly replied to the email accepting the opportunity and was welcomed warmly by the S7 crew.

In my time writing in this space, I've had the opportunity to cover the highs and lows of the Belleville Senators, as well as the highs and (mostly) lows of the Ottawa Senators. Let's be honest, here: the seasons between 2017 to 2024 haven't exactly been warm, inviting or exciting as a fan of these Senators. We've seen franchise players traded away, fan favourites shipped out for futures, we've seen many of those futures go nowhere, and now we've seen back-to-back seasons that were supposed to be different but ended up being very much the same.

But, through these tough times, there's one thing that's always been a highlight for me. Something that has kept me coming back.

This community.

The writers see praise on our good pieces, heated battles in the comments on hot topics and constructive criticism when you, the readers, feel we can do better. Even when Ottawa allowed a goal on the opening shot of the game for what seemed like the 82nd time last season, we were still coming back to the blog, writing our hearts out, reading and interacting with the comments, and finding a semblance of joy in all the frustration.

We collectively love this stupid, soul-sucking franchise. Why? Sometimes I don't know. But when I start to come up with reasons, it's places like Silver Seven that skyrocket to the top of the list.

The 2023-24 season was my last here at Silver Seven. With two small kids and lots on the go, I won't be able to commit the time and love to my writing as I once did as a fresh faced 20-something when this all started. I'll still be cheering along and perhaps you'll see me in the comments section ensuring nkb, Beata, Ross, Trevor, Shaan, Owen, Ary, Nada and Brad are kept in line.

To my fellow writers, what a time this has been. You've kept the embers of my passion for this team burning, despite the lack of on-ice success we got to celebrate together.

To you, the readers, I want to say thank you. Thank you for making me feel like my writing mattered. Thank you to those who said kind words, thank you to those who gave criticism. You helped me grow and helped me love this team even more.

Farewell, my friends.

Go. Sens. Go.

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